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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yoga And Obesity - Part I

Author: Merry

Source: articledashboard.com

In today's technology dominated world, decreased physical activity and exercise has resulted in global obesity, whether physical, mental or emotional, which by itself is the main reason behind various, YogaYoga For Fitness,, YogaYoga For Fitness, diseases that ail the human society, at large.

This is where practising Yoga can help you, as it considers the physical, emotional and mental aspects of obesity, thereby helping to reduce weight. Regular practice of Yoga and controlling your life style can make you agile, nimble, efficient and bestow you with a slim and healthy body. Suitable for all age groups, Yoga can help control your mind and behaviour, including weight loss that is permanent in nature, so long as one practises a few important Yoga asanas on a regular basis.

To learn more about the benefits of Yoga and acquire more knowledge about this wonderfully healing technique from India, one can read Yoga books on meditation and spirituality, listen to audiotapes on Yoga, and there are even online yoga books, easily accessed on a computer. Once you are convinced, all that is required are a few yoga accessories, such as, a yoga mat, a, Yoga For Fitness, yoga strap,, YogaYoga For Fitness, or a yoga block, for you to be well on your way to a complete healing of Mind, Body and Soul! A combination total, which translates into perfect emotional, mental and physical health, including a slim and trim physique. Go Yoga for saying no to obesity!

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