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Monday, September 28, 2009

Yoga Guide For Pregnant Women: Efficacy Of Prenatal Yoga

Author: Javier Fuller

Source: articledashboard.com

Pregnancy is an all together, YogaYoga For Fitness, different physiological as well as psychological experience for women and for particularly those who happen to be on the family way for the first time. If you are pregnant, you are very likely to suffer from occasional depression. You will be in a state of subtle excitement almost all the time, YogaYoga For Fitness, . It is really difficult for you to keep yourself normal physically as well as mentally. That's, YogaYoga For Fitness, when Prenatal Yoga comes handy to you. It adds to your physical as well psychological strength for a rather comfortable delivery. In addition to that if you keep practicing yoga through out your pregnancy period, post delivery you are very likely to resume your normal activities at the earliest.Prenatal Yoga is particularly helpful in later stage of pregnancy. I would suggest all pregnant women to do yoga exercises that would be of immense help in excess inflammation and pain in leg. This particular genre of yoga is aimed at strengthening legs, back muscles, limbs and pelvis. Once these body parts get strengthened the level of pain that you experience while giving birth would be far less than the pain you would have experienced without yoga. But you must ensure that you learn prenatal yoga asanas from an experienced Yogi. If you have geared up to practice yoga for the first time, you shouldn't do exercises without acquainting yourself with all pros and cons of Yoga.For pregnant women, basic yoga poses are suggested. Once they learn, YogaYoga For Fitness, basic poses they are made to practice certain other asanas. Preferred yoga asanas for women on family way are as follows:ShavasanaThis Yoga posture is also known as corpse pose. In this posture you are simply made to lie as if you are dead. You are suggested to lie in a very motionless state. But you should continue breathing normally.PadmasanaThis posture requires you to sit while keeping your back completely erected in the sitting duration. You are also made to put your right leg on the, Yoga For Fitness, left thigh and vice versa. Putting legs on opposite thighs help strengthen your hips.SukhasanaThe asana demands you to keep a crouching posture while sitting. This asana is, YogaYoga For Fitness, of great assistance, YogaYoga For Fitness, in preventing pregnancy related, YogaYoga For Fitness, disorders.VajrasanaThis asana makes you fold your knees so that hips could be easily postured on your heels. This is also a sitting asana. You are also required to position your hands on knees. Your back should remain erect.These are a few yoga postures that happen to be of great help for pregnant women. Breathing exercises of yoga may prove helpful in pregnancy. So, do yoga for a safer child birth.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative post. Useful information has been given. The post seems to be very informative one. Thanks for sharing such useful information. It will be very useful for the pregnant women. By the way have anyone heard of yogasuppliesonline They provide a good yoga course and also the good yoga products and yoga mats. They also provide a prenatal yoga DVD
