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Friday, October 2, 2009

Using Yoga To Loose Weight

Author: Judy Wellsworth

Source: articledashboard.com

Have you seen the way that, YogaYoga For Fitness, yoga is being used for anyone who wants to loose weight? You might even be close to someone that has used it for that reason. Many will say that yoga will help someone to keep a good weight by getting them into a regular habit by doing all the right poses that come with yoga. The idea behind yoga for loosing weight comes from the idea that it can make you well all over. The well-being of the body is to be healthy and free from all the damage that is caused by the environment. This also means the calories you take in. yoga will also help to raise your metabolism and this is what is needed to help you to loose weight. There are still some that do not go with the idea that yoga does not provide what is necessary for helping a body to loose weight. They say that even if the yoga is done each day on a regular basis, it will not help you to loose weight. You need to keep in mind that yoga still is in the running for being able to accomplish great things in weight loss. When combined with a good diet and better lifestyle it is a good thing for loosing weight. Loosing Weight and the Exercise You NeedIn general, the poses that yoga has are thought to give you a good loss of weight. The techniques that are used for yoga such as the bending, inversions, twisting, and others are helpful for loosing weight. These particular exercises are a good way for you to stimulate the body's endocrine system. They will help raise the metabolism which will help you to burn more calories than before. When you complete the poses of the sun salutations, camel pose, shoulder stand, rabbit and plow poses, you are able to give your metabolism what it needs to go higher. For those that are overweight, might find that these are hard for them to do and they need to do them very slow and easy. The Right Diet and LifestyleExercises that come with the yoga are not the best for loosing weight if they are not done, YogaYoga For Fitness, with a diet and lifestyle change. If you are trying to loose weight through yoga then you will need to change your lifestyle and start to eat right. A yoga diet will incorporate high amounts,, YogaYoga For Fitness, Yoga For Fitness, of fiber, whole grains, and vegetables. The yoga diet will be low in fat and will not include any foods that are processed and no animal proteins. To make sure that you have a better time with the weight loss, you will need to stay away from the foods that are not allowed. Period!Your lifestyle will also need to change. Alcohol and anything that is not healthy for your body needs to be stopped. You will also need to respect the others you are around and, YogaYoga For Fitness, give yourself a positive outlook on the things you do for yourself. This is the main thing that yoga will focus on.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Difficult Students and Fitness Centers

Author: Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Source: articlemarketer.com

What would you do if you had, YogaYoga For Fitness, to substitute your Yoga class for an Aerobic Step class? What if one of the Step Aerobics students gave you a case of misplaced aggression because he or she was disappointed the Step Aerobics class was canceled?If you are considering teaching Yoga in a fitness center, or health club; imagine the following situation. A Power Yoga teacher is called, by the fitness center she works for - to substitute her Power Yoga class for the regular Step Aerobics Class; this is her story."This morning I substituted for another fitness class and had a woman literally scowl, once she found out that Yoga was filling in the time slot for the Step Aerobics class. She looked at me, and said, that it wasn't against me, but she just didn't see the point in stretching. "I can't loose weight by stretching. I need cardio." I told her that she might be surprised and she might see Yoga in a different light. She replied "Not likely," and walked away from me. Though she said it wasn't personal, I took it so. I really thought hard about all the things, YogaYoga For Fitness, I wanted to say, but found that everything I wanted to say had a negative tone. I told this person, as she walked away that I was not going to argue with her because I saw no point in it. I felt hurt by her attitude, what can be said to people like this? What can I do to let it "roll off of me?" Can you respond in love and still get the point across?"Let's find some realistic solutions for this Yoga teacher. In a nutshell: This particular health club member is full of negative energy. You are doing your job by substituting for the Step Aerobics class. She decides, Yoga For Fitness, to take it out on you, but it is all misplaced aggression. She would have acted the same way toward anyone teaching anything, except a cardio based fitness class. Fitness centers are doing the best they can to serve their clients, on tight budgets. This particular fitness center wants to make sure there is a class for its members, because the Step Aerobics instructor is out. This is obvious, but, this person decides to attack what you do - just to lash out at somebody.What you did is the best thing by avoiding an argument. Showing loving kindness was wise for many reasons. Management will usually back the members, no matter how obnoxious they are.Many Yoga instructors currently teach Yoga in, or have taught Yoga at, fitness centers, in the past. When a racquetball court is in full swing, a fitness center is not always an ideal place to teach meditation. My advice: Design a prepared handout, which highlights the researched benefits of Power Yoga. Some fitness center clientele don't understand, YogaYoga For Fitness, what Yoga is or what it can do for them. Pass them out with a smile. If the class wants to work hard, give them their money's worth (a serious challenge). They will believe Power Yoga can get them fit, when they can see and feel it.Those scenarios are the reasons why some Yoga teachers do not teach in fitness centers anymore. When I teach Yoga to anyone, I want to make sure the students want to be there, YogaYoga For Fitness, for Yoga. In a health club, Yoga is just part of a big fitness menu - Like ice cream on an apple pie in a restaurant. So, very few of the members see it as something special.Lastly, you are a Yoga teacher, but you are human too. Negative people do not think much before talking, but they do upset everyone all day and every day. You did the right thing by displaying, YogaYoga For Fitness, self-restraint. Remember the saying: "You cannot please everyone all the time."Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yoga at Work - How to Increase Your Focus and Decrease Stress

Author: Elf Jackson

Source: ezinearticles.com

It is possible to find some time for yoga poses at work, even in the brief moments while waiting for applications to load, or the copier to finish some copies for you. You could also take the time over lunch for some relaxing yoga postures, to relieve stress and enhance focus.Even simple breathing can become yoga. Try breathing like this:When inhaling, expand the upper ribcage and abdomen. Keep the lower abdomen compressed a little towards the spine. When exhaling, relax the ribcage and abdomen to let the air flow out. Activate the abdominal muscles to expel as much air as possible. If you like, hum while exhaling - this is the "Brahmari", or Bee Breath, cleansing and clearing the respiratory system.Most of us breathe at work! Make each breath a focused yoga meditation, or exercise in awareness. Do this while reading email ... make the outbreath twice as long as the inbreath. This will calm and centre you. The 2:1 ratio was a secret of the hawaiian kahunas as well as the yogis, and can be used with all the natural procedures of yoga and meditation.Kick Back Log-on PoseInterlace your fingers behind your head. Relax your elbows and shoulders. Smile, breathe and stretch your elbows back. Let the tightness release, Yoga For Fitness, slowly.Wrist, arm and shoulder warm-upThese kind of warm-ups can ward off carpal tunnel and general tightness. Extend your arms out in front, and circle your wrists and hands two or three times in each direction.Place your hands on your shoulders with bent elbows. Circle your elbows two or three times. Keep your shoulders pressed down, inhale and move your shoulders forward and up.Move your arms in large circles with your arms straight out. Keep your arms extended, inhale and move your arms up and forward, exhale and move your arms back and down.Extend your arms in front of you. Shake your hands and then your whole arm.While these may be characterised as "warm-ups", you can do them any time. Try while waiting for your next interminable meeting ...Photocopier StretchPlace your hands on the edge of the copier. Stand back with feet apart. Drop your head and chest. Breathe and relax your shoulders. If you want to push the stretch a little, turn it into a variation of the "cat stretch", YogaYoga For Fitness, by pushing back and stretching and arching your back.Close-the-deal Warrior PoseRaise your arms to the side, YogaYoga For Fitness, with fingers pointed. Take a big step to the side, with, YogaYoga For Fitness, your right foot out and knee bent, your left, YogaYoga For Fitness, foot planted, left leg straight, YogaYoga For Fitness, . Keep the upper body straight and strong, shoulders relaxed. Relax into the stretch -- don't hold your breath. Return to a standing position, switch sides and repeat. The Yoga Warrior Pose, or Virabhadrasana, adds your arms in an upward stretch. If you can, hold the pose for four to eight breaths. Either celebrate closing that deal or head out for more as the Ultimate Warrior Salesperson.Yoga can make the difference at work for you., YogaYoga For Fitness, Whether your job is stressful, or you want to maximise your contribution and productivity, Yoga has something to offer you today.

For more instructions on using yoga at work, visit http://www.yogaposturetraining.com/ten-minute-yoga-plan-to-pep-up

You can find more yoga instruction, postures, and videos, as well as discussions of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga at http://www.yogaposturetraining.com Yoga can make a difference to your life, quicker than you might have thought possible. You can become a Yoga Master, starting today.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Namaste Yoga For Healing And Health

Author: Jonathan Higgins

Source: isnare.com

Namaste yoga comes from the Indian greeting. The word means "I bow to you" and is often used when either greeting someone or when departing.Namaste yoga is beneficial as is any other kind of yoga. It is based on that Hatha Vinyasa style of yoga, and with this type of yoga, the breath is the guide and the body then follows in time. Yoga is a wonderful exercise, and this kind of yoga is just one of the many different types of yoga that you can choose to participate in. History would relay that this system of healing dated back about three thousand years ago, Namaste yoga is a kind of Thai massage with roots that can be traced back in India. The tell-tale, YogaYoga For Fitness, Namaste yoga pose is to hold the hands in a praying fashion at the heart, and with eyes closed the head is bowed. In addition, the praying hands can start out at the third eye, which is in the center of the forehead. Then while bowing the head, the hands are brought down to the heart. It is often practiced, YogaYoga For Fitness, at the end of, YogaYoga For Fitness, a session because the mind and body are relaxed and detached, YogaYoga For Fitness, . This is also in keeping with the fact that it is a gesture used in saying hello or goodbye.Generally, the Namaste, YogaYoga For Fitness, yoga practice is used in conjunction, Yoga For Fitness, with other yoga practices. For example, a group could, as a sign of respect, hold the hands to together and bow the head to each other. Then, the group could proceed to do the sun salutation or any other yoga poses. Then, when the session has come to an end, the group again can use the Namaste yoga bow as a conclusion to the class.I have a tendency to do too much and Namaste yoga is all about relaxing into the poses. The core of Namaste yoga is combined with the principles of Gautama Buddha, a guru from India and the father of Buddhism. The core of Namaste yoga is combined with the principles of Gautama Buddha, a guru from India and the father of Buddhism.As with any kind of yoga, it should be remembered that it is a way of life, rather than just something you do to stay flexible and in shape. That's not to say that if you are not serious about yoga then you shouldn't do it. Of course, everyone can benefit from it. However, if you are interested in Namaste yoga you are likely not just looking to get in shape. Since properly performing the various yoga positions is difficult, it requires daily practice until you are able to perform with minimal difficulty.

Yoga Guide For Pregnant Women: Efficacy Of Prenatal Yoga

Author: Javier Fuller

Source: articledashboard.com

Pregnancy is an all together, YogaYoga For Fitness, different physiological as well as psychological experience for women and for particularly those who happen to be on the family way for the first time. If you are pregnant, you are very likely to suffer from occasional depression. You will be in a state of subtle excitement almost all the time, YogaYoga For Fitness, . It is really difficult for you to keep yourself normal physically as well as mentally. That's, YogaYoga For Fitness, when Prenatal Yoga comes handy to you. It adds to your physical as well psychological strength for a rather comfortable delivery. In addition to that if you keep practicing yoga through out your pregnancy period, post delivery you are very likely to resume your normal activities at the earliest.Prenatal Yoga is particularly helpful in later stage of pregnancy. I would suggest all pregnant women to do yoga exercises that would be of immense help in excess inflammation and pain in leg. This particular genre of yoga is aimed at strengthening legs, back muscles, limbs and pelvis. Once these body parts get strengthened the level of pain that you experience while giving birth would be far less than the pain you would have experienced without yoga. But you must ensure that you learn prenatal yoga asanas from an experienced Yogi. If you have geared up to practice yoga for the first time, you shouldn't do exercises without acquainting yourself with all pros and cons of Yoga.For pregnant women, basic yoga poses are suggested. Once they learn, YogaYoga For Fitness, basic poses they are made to practice certain other asanas. Preferred yoga asanas for women on family way are as follows:ShavasanaThis Yoga posture is also known as corpse pose. In this posture you are simply made to lie as if you are dead. You are suggested to lie in a very motionless state. But you should continue breathing normally.PadmasanaThis posture requires you to sit while keeping your back completely erected in the sitting duration. You are also made to put your right leg on the, Yoga For Fitness, left thigh and vice versa. Putting legs on opposite thighs help strengthen your hips.SukhasanaThe asana demands you to keep a crouching posture while sitting. This asana is, YogaYoga For Fitness, of great assistance, YogaYoga For Fitness, in preventing pregnancy related, YogaYoga For Fitness, disorders.VajrasanaThis asana makes you fold your knees so that hips could be easily postured on your heels. This is also a sitting asana. You are also required to position your hands on knees. Your back should remain erect.These are a few yoga postures that happen to be of great help for pregnant women. Breathing exercises of yoga may prove helpful in pregnancy. So, do yoga for a safer child birth.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yoga in Practice: In Search of the Perfect Yoga (Part 3)

Author: Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Source: articlemarketer.com

This is the last in this series of answers to statements about Yoga students who are searching for the perfect Yoga, or the perfect Guru."You can't teach me anything about Yoga, I already know it."You are absolutely right. There is an old Chinese saying, "A closed mind is like a closed book: just a block of wood." In other words, a closed mind still must go through a deep awakening process to reach its complete potential.However,, YogaYoga For Fitness, I am getting on in years, and do not have the desire to teach the intolerant, or those who already know everything. My answer to this student is: You are right, and please stay with your current Guru.It should come as no surprise that, very often, the student who says he or he already knows everything, does not and never had a Guru. If intolerance cannot be purged from within a particular Yoga student, he or she should be banished by any self-respecting Guru.Life is too short to waste your, YogaYoga For Fitness, time teaching those who don't want to learn. In talking to my colleagues, I have found similar sentiments. Who among you wants to waste your time?"What could I get out of Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, or Jnana Yoga?"Each of these styles has so much to offer, but they could be classified, for the most part, as nonphysical styles of Yoga. Let's briefly take a look at each one.Bhakti Yoga is most often practiced within India. Bhakti Yoga literally means -unity through devotion to God. Therefore, this is a sectarian practice, most often practiced by Hindus. However, there are Jews, Christians, and Moslems who, Yoga For Fitness, practice Yoga exclusively with members of their own religion. The practice of Bhakti Yoga is deeply, YogaYoga For Fitness, spiritual.Karma Yoga is unity through selfless service; also known as the Yoga of action. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther, YogaYoga For Fitness, King, Jr. could be considered Karma Yogis. Both were men of peace and action who ultimately gave their lives for what is right.Jnana Yoga is unity though knowledge or the path of wisdom. Through Jnana Yoga you will discover truth without delusion or bias. Jnana Yoga requires the serious student to meditate often.So, now you see the "big picture" and the need to keep the Yoga community together. Yoga literally means unity or union. Therefore, we must be living examples of it. Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is director of Yoga teacher training at Aura in RI. He's a master instructor of martial arts and Yoga. He teaches that along with fitness. He wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students who want to be a teacher.

Yoga - Some Helpful Tips For Beginners

Author: Nick Preston

Source: ezinearticles.com

If you are planning to take up yoga, here are few tips for yoga beginners that will help you start on the right footing. There are many people, Yoga For Fitness, who take up yoga without actually knowing where and how to begin. Many of them end, YogaYoga For Fitness, up starting with hard poses and injure themselves. When you start practicing yoga the right way you will experience true health benefits.Yoga-, YogaYoga For Fitness, Ancient ScienceIf you have decided to take up yoga, the first thing to do is to learn about this ancient science of physical and mental fitness. Yoga is said to have originated around 3000 B.C. Yoga is practiced to bring about the union of body and soul. Some people mistakenly associate it with religion. However, yoga is one of the oldest fitness regimes that exist in the world today. It combines poses (asanas), breathing exercises (Pranayama) and meditation to achieve overall health fitness.Which Poses To Start WithThe next thing yoga beginners need to know is what types of poses they should start with. If you are just starting out, you will, YogaYoga For Fitness, find lots of poses that are just right for beginners. It is best to start with the basic yoga postures, like sun salute, seated twist, cat, dog, cobra, mountain, triangle, forward fold and other such beginners' poses.Do Not Over ExertWhen doing the poses, it is important, YogaYoga For Fitness, to remember that you should not over-exert yourself. You should start slowly and understand the alignment of the postures. You do not have to achieve the exact posture that you see in the photo. You should aim towards getting the basic posture.Once you have gained experience in doing the basic yoga, YogaYoga For Fitness, postures, you can increase the intensity of your practice. By this I mean you can practice to hold the postures over a longer period of time. Then later on you can take up more challenging postures.Right Breathing TechniqueAnother important point that yoga beginners should learn is how to breathe. In yoga, breathing is the central point. One has to learn when to inhale, exhale and hold the breath while doing asanas. When a yoga posture is done with appropriate breathing techniques, you will derive the maximum benefits.Right Time To Practice YogaWhen is the right time to practice yoga? This is a question that is often asked by beginners. The best time to practice yoga is early in the morning and that to on an empty stomach. However, since we all live a very busy life we might not always be able to find time in the morning. Yoga can be practiced anytime of the day; however, one should avoid eating 1-3 hours before, YogaYoga For Fitness, the practice session.Stretching Before PracticeAnother important point that yoga beginners should remember is that it is best to do some stretching exercises before practicing yoga poses. In fact, the sun salute poses are very good stretching exercises.Before starting yoga practice, you should consult your physician if you are suffering from any illness like, heart problem, back problem, etc. Moreover, pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure, knee, back or neck injuries should avoid certain yoga postures.Overall yoga for health is a holistic, YogaYoga For Fitness, approach towards achieving, YogaYoga For Fitness, overall health. Yoga poses help to ease tensed muscles, tone up internal organs, and improve blood circulation, memory, body flexibility and mental concentration. Yoga can be taken up at any age. In fact, there is no age limit for yoga beginners.

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